This truly is a heavy duty hand held carton tape dispenser ! It’s metal construction and added features makes it far superior to your standard 48mm dispenser.

It’s designed for tapes with a 75mm core to a maximum 50mm wide and can accommodate roll lengths up to 200m ( not that you can find tape rolls with these lengths anymore…. )

The frame is solid profiled steel and the handle is beautifully molded high impact plastic for a comfortable grip. the heavy metal body gives it a pleasing weight in your hand as you use it.

The rubber roller creates slight static to keep the tape from flopping about and the heavy duty deep toothed blade is capable of cutting almost any tape, including filament tape.


This dispenser is available from different sellers on amazon.co.uk, but you can be assured they are the same product as there is really only one factory that makes this particular dispenser. Alternatively you might want to try one of the other 48mm dispensers available or if you’re feeling eco friendly and want to help the planet, why not pick up some paper tape instead the usual plastic ones.